A Sermon preached at St. Augustine's, Wiesbaden on Sunday March 2, the Last Sunday after
Exodus 24:12-18, 2 Peter 1:16-21, Matthew 17:1-9, Psalm 2 or 99
Helau! I am a little
disappointed. I was hoping to see a church full of costumed people, to look out
over a sea of ‘Pappnasen,’ so to speak. At least I’m in costume! Is it perhaps
because of carnival, this time of joy, merriment, dressing up and changing our outward
appearances, that we heard the story of the Transfiguration today? About how Jesus
is changed, about how his very appearance is transformed, and how he seems to
be wearing a “costume” of dazzling white clothes? Well no – the same passage
has or will be read even in more sober parts of the country. And anyway it is
not really Jesus who is being transformed, but his disciples who are now ready
to see him as he is, in his glory, as the Son of God. This experience on the
mountain simply opened their eyes and hearts to see Jesus as he was and always
had been.
But let’s take a step
back first. If not because of carnival, why now? Those of you who know their
way around the prayer book, or have read it during a boring sermon, not that we
have those here, might know that we celebrate the ‘Feast of The Transfiguration
of our Lord Jesus Christ’ on August 6. So why do we also always have readings
about the Transfiguration on the last Sunday after the Epiphany, just before
Lent begins?
For one thing because
it is an Epiphany story, it describes quite literally a sudden and
striking realization of a truth previously hidden – that Jesus is the Son of
God. And perhaps also because we need this vision of light and hope, this confirmation,
this certainty about who Jesus is before we go into Lent. Before we enter that
long season of penitence and self-denial when we remember Jesus’ 40 days in the
wilderness and which ends, initially, with Jesus’ death and suffering on the
I think it helps us to
understand the meaning of the event of the Transfiguration if we look at the
similarities and differences between the two ‘mountain top’ events we heard
about this morning. When the gospel authors were writing their accounts of
Jesus’ life they did not just focus on the events as reported to them, or
perhaps in some cases even experienced by them. They also wanted to integrate these
events into Israel’s history and scripture, as they were convinced that Jesus’
story was the fulfillment of the salvation-history that had begun with Abraham
and Sarah. Many Jews hoped for new great prophet like Moses – and one purpose
of the Transfiguration story is to show them that Jesus is this figure – and
much more. So we should not be surprised about the parallels:
- Both events take place on mountain tops – one on Mount Sinai or Horeb, the other, according to tradition, on Mount Tabor in Galillee. Mountains stood for proximity to God. In this morning’s psalm you heard Mount Zion, the site of the Temple in Jerusalem, described as god’s Holy Hill.
- After six days waiting at the bottom of the mountain God calls Moses out of the cloud, and Moses goes up the mountain. “Six days after Peter had acknowledged Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the Living God, Jesus took with him Peter and James and his brother John and led them up a high mountain.” So both encounters with God take place on the seventh day.
- God’s presence is like a cloud, a bright cloud, and the glory of the Lord like a devouring fire. In Matthew it is Jesus, God’s glory, who shines like the sun and there is no more devouring fire than the sun.
- And look at the people’s reactions. In Exodus – after the passage we read – the people are first afraid, the mountain is shrouded by cloud, they hear thunder and see lightening, and then impatient: Moses is up there for 40 days! The get so impatient in fact that, while Moses is receiving instructions on how to build a dwelling for the living God, they are already making and then worshiping false gods: the golden calf. Peter, James, and John are also fearful and nervous. In fact Peter is so nervous that he just needs to do something and so he offers to build dwellings or shelters for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. This is probably a reference to the Feast of Tabernacles, a seven day holiday recalling how the Jews built small fragile huts or booths as shelter in the desert and later in the fields during harvest.
- In both events God speaks directly to representatives of humanity, Moses or Peter, James, and John. He gives Moses the law and the commandment for instruction. In the Transfiguration God gives a person: “This is my Son, the Beloved; with him I am well pleased; listen to him.” Jesus’ word is therefore more than the Law, his life and teaching are God’s instruction.
- And that is also the big difference. God is not giving humanity a new set of binding instructions, ones that got ignored pretty quickly the first time round anyway: the “ink wasn’t even dry” before they were being disobeyed! Instead God is giving of godself. God’s gift is Jesus: God’s Word, God’s Glory, and God’s Son. If you want to find the way to God, then listen to Jesus.
Why did Jesus want
Peter, James, and John to see him transfigured? Well, very soon Jesus and the
disciples will be in Jerusalem and Jesus will be arrested, tried, condemned,
and executed. The disciples will fear for and run for their lives, their dreams
and expectations will be shattered, they will see their leader die. Today’s
event or vision – we might call it a ‘sneak preview of the resurrection’ - is
meant to confirm what Peter had already said, that Jesus is the Christ and
God’s Son – even if that will soon seem difficult to believe. It is meant to
strengthen the disciples’ resolve and to sustain them. Thanks to this
experience, they will, eventually, be able to recognize the Glory in the Cross
and to look back and see the Cross in the Glory of the Transfiguration. It will
help them recognize that the shamed, naked Jesus, raised up between two thieves
is the same as the Jesus on the mountain glorified, clothed in white, standing between
the two great Jewish heroes.
And what does the
Transfiguration say to us today? It’s a similar message I think. We too need a
vision to hold on to. We need to have something to sustain us, not just during
the season of Lent, but also during the long, difficult and arduous task of
transformation we are called to as Christians: the transformation of self, our communities,
and the world, which is a tough, difficult, and sometimes seemingly impossible
task. Both the Transfiguration experience and even more Christ’s resurrection strengthen
us to bear our cross and remind us why and for whom we do it. Without vision
and faith in that vision we can easily get lost. Without a vision we tend to
let our own busy lives interfere with being open to God’s presence and God’s
Spirit. Like the Israelites we are tempted to build and worship idols, or like
Peter we get distracted by less important things, like the temporary buildings he
wants to put up for Jesus and his visitors. God does not need buildings, God
needs us! Without faith, we can soon get
frightened by the commitment we are being asked to give and the seeming enormity
of the task we have been set.
That’s why we too need
to remember and trust in the message of the Transfiguration: “This is my Son,
the Beloved... Listen to him!” Jesus is our vision and guide. For the disciples
on the mountain Jesus’ touch and presence took away their fear: "Get up and
do not be afraid," he said. We need Jesus’ presence in our lives to take
away our fear. In a short while, you can also experience that presence and
reassurance in the Sacrament of Jesus’ Body and Blood knowing that after
receiving it, you can get up and not be afraid.
I encourage you to use
the season of Lent to think about what idols or distractions, what barriers we might
have put in the way of God and the other, about what might be separating us
from God – because that’s what sin is. Pray
for Jesus’ help to remove these barriers, pray that he will open our hearts so
that we can listen to him and to one another, pray that through listening we can
know Jesus better, and through knowing him, be transformed into his likeness.
In fact use Lent to
practice “clothing yourselves with Christ,” (Galatians 3:27) clothing yourself “with
the new self, created according to the likeness of God in true righteousness
and holiness.” (Ephesians 4:24). It’s much better than any costume you can get
for carnival, it’s much more than a change in your outward appearance; instead
it will transform your whole being!
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