A Sermon preached on April 2nd, Maundy
Thursday, at St. Augustine’s, Wiesbaden
Exodus 12:1-14, 1
Corinthians 11:23-26, John 13:1-17, 31b-35
following my sermon we will have the ceremony of the washing of the feet – just
as we heard about in the Gospel reading. But if any of you would like to have a
full body washing as Peter asked for, "Lord, not my feet only but also my
hands and my head!" (John 13:9) there will be a separate station outside,
right next to the big bucket of water ….. But seriously:
This evening we
heard three institution narratives – they are called that because they tell us
how and why a religious ceremony that is carried on today was instituted. First
we heard about the institution of the Passover meal, and in this section all
about the proper preparation of the Passover lamb, and how the Israelites are
commanded by God to keep Passover as a day of remembrance and celebration of
the physical liberation of the Israelites from Egypt.
Then, in his 1st
letter to the Corinthians, Paul describes the institution of the Eucharist, or
Holy Communion, or the Lord’s Supper to use some of the names it is given. This
is the transformation, for Christians, of the Passover into a regular
remembrance of the New Covenant. Like the one in Exodus it is a covenant of
rescue or salvation – mostly from what we do to one another – and of
forgiveness for our sins – again mainly for what we do to one another and
thereby indirectly to God. This Covenant is marked and sealed not just by the
bread and wine that Jesus took, broke, and gave, but by his death the following
day – when he, the Paschal Lamb, gave his body and it was taken and broken.
“For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's
death until he comes,” Paul tells the Corinthians. And that is what we do at
whenever we celebrate the Eucharist.
Finally in John’s
Gospel we have the institution of the ceremony of foot washing. But wait, where
did that come from? Why didn’t we read one of the Gospel passages about the
Last Supper? Well we did, because it was “during supper that Jesus … got
up from the table, took off his outer robe, and tied a towel around himself.” (13:3)
But it’s true that John doesn’t focus on the meal as such and does not provide
an explicit Communion institution in his Gospel – for a number of reasons.
For one thing, by
the time of writing his Gospel there was no real need. The weekly, communal,
ritual meal was already well established in Christian communities. That’s why
elements of the Communion meal permeate the whole Gospel. Wine, water, and
bread all play a role in Jesus’ ministry and teaching. Jesus’ first sign or
miracle has to do with wine at the wedding in Cana, it was the first revelation
of his glory. (John 2) When Jesus meets the Samaritan Woman at the Well he
refers to himself as the water of life. And finally the words Jesus has to say
right after the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand, sound very like
his words in the Last Supper narrative of the other Gospels: “I am the living
bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live for
ever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.’”
(John 6:51)
But the main
reason why John focused less on the meal and more on the act of foot washing
was because John was having a similar problem with his Christian community as
Paul was having with the Corinthians, and as every Christian community has, including
this one. We are very good at talking about love, but not always as good at
practicing it.
Paul’s reaction to
this problem is to emphasize the real meaning of the meal – as a sign of love,
of equality before God and in Christ, and of the need for loving, humble
service. This was something the Corinthians had not been doing, as the richer
members were eating well and separately before meeting the poorer ones. So in
the verses immediately following the passage we heard, Paul warns the
Corinthians that if they “eat the bread or drink the cup of the Lord in an unworthy
manner,” (1 Corinthians 11:27) that is without real love for one another, they
are not celebrating the Eucharist Christ instituted and instead are eating and
drinking judgment against themselves. (11:29)
John’s solution to
the lack of love, of equality before God and in Christ, and of loving, humble
service in the group he lead and taught is to put the story of the foot-washing
at the center of the his version of the Last Supper. It was very common for a
host to have the feet of his guests – which will have been dry and dusty –
washed, but normally by a slave. In Luke’s Gospel we hear how Jesus criticizes
Simon the Pharisee for neglecting this sign of hospitality. Jesus tells Simon: “I
entered your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she has bathed my
feet with her tears and dried them with her hair.” (Luke
7:44) In this evening’s Gospel reading it is Jesus who slips into the role of a
slave to wash his friends’ feet. And he makes very clear to his disciples that
this is an act to follow: “For I have set you an example; that you also should
do as I have done to you.” (13:15)
Jesus’ action is
symbolic of his coming sacrifice and of the love he embodies. He is proclaiming
by doing. No one is greater, no one is above loving service, not even our
Teacher and Lord. Jesus sums up this teaching, the teaching of the act of foot
washing, in the new commandment he introduces: “That you love one another. Just
as I have loved you, you also should love one another.” (13:34) This is a
command not just to love your own group or clique, and certainly not just those
you agree with. It is the command to love each and every one. Christian love is
always about the other, never about self, and Christian love overflows into
service as its natural form.
Lent is almost
over, so I can’t call on you to take on a Lenten discipline: so take on an
Easter one instead. We have many opportunities here at St. Augustine’s to
practice love, to demonstrate our equality before God, and in Christ, and to
show loving, humble service. We must practice it with one another and we can
always use more volunteers in our hands-on outreach ministries – with the
residents of the Hildastift long-term care home, serving breakfasts to the
homeless at the Teestube or I hope soon working with refugees. Then, in Jesus’
words: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love
for one another." (13:35)
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