A Sermon preached on August 20th,
Pentecost XI, at St. Augustine’s, Wiesbaden
Last week we had a
young adult Baptism, this week our baptismal candidate is a child: David
Leonard is 1 1/4 years old. Anglicans do both – is this yet another case of us
not being able to decide? Are we Catholic or Reformed? Both! Is Christ really
present in the Sacrament of bread and wine or is it just a memorial? Both! The
Priesthood of all believers or Orders of ministry? Both! Baptism of adults or
children? Both! Actually, these are not examples of Anglicans not being able or
wanting to decide. Sometimes both is the right answer, just as Christ is
both human and divine. Then of course there are cases where there really
is only one possible choice, both doctrinal – one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism
– and ethical and moral. In the recent events in Charlottesville, VA there was
no “both” and there were not “many equivalent sides.” There was a right side
and a wrong side, because racism, antisemitism, white supremacism and Nazism, whether
new or old, are always wrong, as this our host country knows only too well.
But as far as
baptism are concerned, we recognize different paths and choices. Some people
only come to faith later in life, and had parents who did not have them
baptized, either to give their children a choice, or because the parents were
not Christian. For others, the message we heard from Jesus in the Gospel has
priority. “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to
such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” (Mark 10:14) Membership in
God’s family through Baptism, is
we believe equally open to children and does not require their knowledge or
understanding at that time. However, David’s parents and godparents will promise
to ensure that he is brought up in the Christian faith and life and so gains
that knowledge and understanding.
When we met to talk
about Baptism and to prepare the service, Jennifer and Fabio asked if I could
include the following poem. It is called “On Children” by Kahlil Gibran, a Lebanese-American
artist, poet, and writer from the turn of the 20th century.
children are not your children.
are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
come through you but not from you,
though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
may give them your love but not your thoughts,
they have their own thoughts.
may house their bodies but not their souls,
their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow,
you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
may strive to be like them,
seek not to make them like you.
life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
are the bows from which your children
living arrows are sent forth.
archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite,
He bends you with His might
His arrows may go swift and far.
our bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness;
even as He loves the arrow that flies,
He loves also the bow that is stable.
Analyzing poems is
almost as bad as explaining jokes. I make no claims to know what the poet was
thinking, or what exactly Jennifer and Fabio like about his work. But there are
three things I take from this poem …. And all three are also reflected in
today’s readings:
- While God is not explicitly mentioned in the poem, Kahlil Gibran was born and raised as a Maronite Catholic Christian. When he writes, “Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself,” Life has a capital L and is I think as much an image of the divine as the archer he mentions in the last verse. Our children are of course our children, but they are also the children of God.
- “And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.” Children have a value and life of their own. Our role as parents and godparents is to love them, to equip them for life, and to help them fulfill their potential. For us as followers of Christ that includes, as David’s parents and godparents will promise, by their prayers and witness, to help him grow into the full stature of Christ.
- “You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.” Our children are not supposed to be little copies of us. On the contrary, Gibran writes, it would be good if we could be like our children, at least in their open, hope filled, and expectant attitude to the future.
So how are these
themes mirrored in the two New Testament passages we heard this morning? Well
we do not have to look far to find the first idea in Paul.
In Romans 8,
Paul says that everyone who has received and accepted God’s Spirit, is a child
of God. This status of being God’s child is freely available to anyone who
chooses, it is a gift. Part of that gift is the promise that we will share in Christ’s
glory, that we will be given the same status as God’s only Son ….. but another
part is the reminder that we do not know what life holds in store for us or for
our children when, as Gibran puts it, they are sent forth like living arrows.
In the passage
from Mark’s Gospel we hear clearly how important children were for Jesus and
how indignant he was when his disciples tried to prevent them getting near
Jesus for a blessing. In the society of that day, children had a relatively low
status, but nor for Jesus who welcomed anyone who wanted to see and be with him.
Jesus goes beyond
just welcoming children. He raises them up as an example to follow: “Whoever
does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” (Mark
10:15) What does it mean to receive the kingdom as a little child, what sort of
childlike behavior is required? In the extract from Romans, Paul identifies the
following qualities of the children of God. Fearlessness: “you did not receive
a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received a spirit of
adoption.” An attitude of joy at the great gift we have received: “When we cry,
‘Abba! Father!’ it is that very Spirit bearing witness with our spirit that we
are children of God.” Being both expectant and hopeful knowing that we are “joint
heirs with Christ” and that if we suffer we will also be glorified with Christ.
I also asked our Wednesday Bible group what they thought were the qualities
that would allow us receive the kingdom of God as a little child, and they came
up with the following list: innate
generosity, loving dependence, innocence, simple faith, trust, being open and receptive.
As it turns out
Baptism, adult or infant, is always about children. Whether we are still officially
children, and some of us never seem to stop, we are all called to a childlike
attitude towards our Lord: trusting, loving, open, and generous. David Leonard is
already a member of one little human family by virtue of his brith. By water
and by the Spirit of God we will now make him a member of a much bigger family,
of Christ's Body the Church.
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