A Sermon preached at Pentecost, May 20, at St. Augustine’s, Wiesbaden
Acts 2: 1 – 21, Romans 8: 22 – 27, John 15: 26
– 27; 16: 4b – 15
Today is not only Pentecost, the Feast of the
Holy Spirit and often also called the birthday of the Church, but also a celebration
of Baptism. Philipp George will be initiated into Christ's Body the Church by
water and the Holy Spirit.
According to our prayer book, “Holy Baptism is
especially appropriate at the Easter Vigil, on the Day of Pentecost, on All
Saints' Day, and on the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord.” Why these days? Because
each of them highlights one aspect of what Baptism is about.
The Feast of the Baptism of our Lord, which is
the First Sunday after the
Epiphany, is when we remember Christ’s own Baptism in the water of the Jordan
river and how God’s spirit, in some accounts in the form of a dove, came down
upon him confirming for Jesus and all baptised that we are God’s children, God’s
beloved. Having a Baptism on that day is a re-enactment, the making present and
alive of an event in Jesus’ ministry that is also part of our annual cycle of
services during the church year.
At the Easter Vigil, the focus is on Baptism as regeneration, and
renewal, and as an outward sign of the promise that just as in the waters of
Baptism we are buried with Christ in his death, so Baptism also enables us to share
in his resurrection. On that night we hold up Baptism as the sacrament of new
On All Saints' Day, the particular emphasis is on Baptism as making us
part of the Church, as part of the mystic Communion of Saints past, present,
and future. As a baptized Christian Philipp shares with us and with all
Christians everywhere and everywhen (if that’s even a proper word) in Christ’s
eternal priesthood.
Last and not least, at Pentecost, today’s celebration,
we pay particular attention to the gift of the Holy Spirit. All four aspects
are of course present at every Baptism, but nevertheless today’s focus is the
And we have heard a lot about her and her
gifts today. Thanks again to everyone who contributed their language skills to
help us relive that first Christian Pentecost when the disciples were “filled
with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave
them ability.” (Acts 2:4) In that dramatic reading from Acts, we heard how the
Spirit enables the disciples to not only be able to speak about God’s deeds of power,
especially as revealed in the life, teaching, death and resurrection of Jesus
Christ, but empowers them to be understood in many different languages and contexts.
That is the power we will need if we are to fulfill our Baptismal promise to “proclaim
by word and example the Good News of God in Christ,” particularly today when
more and more people just do not understand the language of faith. We need God’s
Spirit more than ever if we are to overcome such barriers.
Then in Paul’s Letter to the Romans, we heard
about another gift of the Spirit, about how she assists and enables prayer. This
is something else we promise to do in our Covenant, to “continue in the apostles'
teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of the bread, and in the prayers,” and
it is comforting to know that we do not always have to formulate our prayers.
As liturgical Christians we can always use the many set forms, from the Lord’s
Prayer through to all the collects and prayers for various events and occasions
in our prayer book. And when we have a need just so deep and painful that we
cannot put it in words, we can, Paul tells us, I think from his own experience,
rely on the Spirit to intercede on our behalf “with sighs too deep for words”
and to trust that “God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the
Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints, for us according to the
will of God.” (Romans 8:26-27)
Finally, in John’s Gospel we have a whole list
of things that the Spirit, whom Christ will send from the Father, will do. The
Spirit will testify on Christ’s behalf – but through us. The Spirit gives us
the words we need, as we heard happen to the disciples in the Acts story. As
that part of God that remains in and with us, the Spirit acts as a comforter.
Jesus knows of the sorrow in his disciples’ hearts at his impending departure. But
you should rejoice, he says. Only if I go, can the Advocate, the Spirit come
and help you overcome in and bring true justice and righteousness to the world.
In this, and in all we do, God’s Spirit is our
guide. The Spirit is the power that enables us to persevere in resisting evil,
to seek and serve Christ in all persons, and to strive for justice and peace
among all people. You are not, and never will be alone, is my main take away from
what Jesus has to say about the Spirit in this passage. And that is a good
thing, because he wants a lot of us.
We are also not alone, because the Spirit not
only connects us to God but with one another. The life in Christ is a shared life,
not a solitary life. The Church whose birthday it is today, and who Philipp
will now become a member of, is the means by which we share our joys and
sorrows, our faith and doubts, and most of all in all we are called to do and
be in this world.
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