A Sermon preached on First Sunday in Lent
February 14th at St. Augustine’s, Wiesbaden
26:1-11, Romans 10:8b-13, Luke
In my weekly announcements
I promised to fit St. Valentine into today’s sermon, it is after all February
14th, Valentine’s Day. But that may have been a mistake. Lent is
very early this year and so unusually Valentine’s
Day is already in Lent. In the UK and US, still a little less so in Germany, this
Day has become another occasion for conspicuous consumption, it’s no longer
just about special greeting cards as an expression of love, and nowadays even
flowers and chocolate are not enough: Valentine’s Day now encompasses all
manner of gifts including diamonds. Wikipedia tells me that in the US the
average valentine’s spending is $131 per person and in the UK around £1.3
billion is spent yearly on cards, flowers, chocolates and other gifts. So how
does that fit with Lent – a time in which many people give up a lot of the
things been given on this day?
Well it doesn’t,
not the way it is celebrated today. But on the other hand, love is one thing we
definitely do not give up for Lent. On the contrary, Lent is in fact all about
love and is the season that ends with that most extreme expression of love, of
God’s love for us even to the cross. And the saint – or possibly saints -
behind the day, an early Roman Christian known as Valentinus, was, according to
legend, imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers who were forbidden to
marry and for ministering to fellow Christians during a time of persecution under
the Roman Empire. Sustained by his faith and his particular service for the
cause of love, he is a good example to us all. Even or especially in Lent.
In fact when we
look at today’s Gospel reading, Luke’s version of Jesus’ temptation in the
wilderness, we see him too being sustained by faith both in his fasting and
in resisting the temptations of the devil. What are Jesus’ temptations all
about? In each case the “devil,” in my imagination not a visible figure, but a
quiet, whining, and very insistent voice, is trying to persuade Jesus to put
his will, and his immediate needs, above God’s. But Jesus resists these temptations
by his faith and by his trust in God’s power. When the devil wants Jesus to use
his powers to help himself, by commanding a stone to become a loaf of bread,
Jesus replies with a quotation from Deuteronomy (8:3) referring to the manna
from heaven that sustained the Israelites during their wilderness experience. That
food was “in order to make you understand that one does not live by bread
alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” And Jesus
trusts that his Father will sustain him, just as his Father sustained the
Israelites and as we too pray in Jesus’ own prayer: “Give us this day our daily
Then, when the
devil tempts him with worldly, political power – which by the way according to
the Bible, to this passage, is something “given over to the devil and is his,
the devil’s, to give to anyone he pleases” – so perhaps political power is not something
self-declared Evangelicals should strive to? But back to topic: when the devil
tempts him with worldly, political power Jesus again replies with a passage
from Deuteronomy (6:13), in the original: “The Lord your God you shall fear;
him you shall serve, and by his name alone you shall swear.” We have
governments and parliaments and politicians, some better than others, and we
need them too, we need them to run the society we live in. But only if they act
righteously and justly, only if they serve the greater good – and that is
always a good that goes well beyond our narrow national boundaries and
interests, at least for Christians it does. What Jesus knows and confirms in
his resistance to the temptation of worldly power is that while he is and
always will be Lord of all, this Lordship is expressed in loving service and in
selfless sacrifice, not in power over others.
That willingness
to sacrifice himself is of course what the devil is going for in the last
temptation, when he calls on Jesus to throw himself off the pinnacle of the
temple trusting that he will be saved by God’s angels. You will note that the
devil has now started using arguments from Scripture too. Which is of course a
salient reminder that something is not necessarily true just because someone
cites scripture as proof, not even if I do it. We have to look at any passage
in context. We need to compare any interpretation to God’s will and intention as
shown in all of God’s words, acts and interactions with us throughout salvation
history. Does the interpretation then still ring true? Here Jesus does not
allow himself to be tricked and instead, with a final citation from Deuteronomy
(6:16), replies: “Do
not put the Lord your God to the test.” And as we know, acting in accordance
with God’s Will, is for Jesus not something that will lead to him being
protected from death, but will instead lead to his death …. and beyond.
But that’s all
very well for Jesus, but what does it take to resist temptation if you’re not
the Son of God? What can we hold on to, what will sustain us?
First of all we
need to remember that Jesus resists the temptations as a human being, though admittedly
a very special one. But he uses no miraculous powers, nothing that is not also
available to us.
Secondly, I don’t
think it is a coincidence that Jesus quotes extensively from Deuteronomy 6. This
section begins with the “Shema” “Hear,
O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.” (Deuteronomy
6:4-5) Jews recite the Shema twice a day. It is traditional for Jews to say the
Shema as their last words, and for parents to teach their children to say it
before they go to sleep at night. It is a Creed – a summary of important
beliefs. And that is one thing we can use to guide our decisions and to resist temptation,
one thing we can hold on to. A Creed is more than a just a statement of faith, it
is a reminder of a power and of priorities beyond our own immediate horizon –
something that we can both rely on, but also something and someone we serve and
with goals and ideals we must aim for in discerning the right path to take.
This morning’s Old
Testament passage, also from Deuteronomy, contains another ancient creed, in
the section that began with the words: "A wandering Aramean was my
ancestor” It reminded the Jews who prayed it, that their ancestor, Abraham, had
obeyed God’s will and left his home and family, and that whenever they suffered
from oppression and cried for help, God had intervened. The Creed we recite on
Sundays, the Nicene Creed, is a little longer of course. But the basic points
are simple. We believe in a God who created everything, including us. In a God
who intervened by becoming human and who died to save us, to help us realize
our fullest potential as humans. In a God who still acts in and through us
And then in the
letter to the Romans, Paul cites the simplest and most basic Creed of all: “Jesus
is Lord.” Jesus, and what he taught and stands for, is Lord, not Caesar and his
modern equivalents. Jesus is Lord means that this Jesus we believe in and call
on has the power to help us in any situation. Jesus is Lord of all, as
Paul goes on to say, should help us resist any temptation to divide people into
good and bad, them and us. Lord of all … not just of a particular group or
nation. At the heart of any resistance to temptation is love and loyalty to God
and to the Lord, God’s Son.
But thirdly and
finally, as we are human, and not the supreme expression of humanity that Jesus
is, and as we will err and fall and fail, we also have the promise of forgiveness
– part of our Sunday Creed. All we have to do, in Paul’s words, is call upon
the name of the Lord just as we did at the beginning of the service in the
Great Litany, when we “beseeched the good Lord to hear us,” so:
“That it may
please thee to strengthen such as do stand; to comfort and help the
weak-hearted; to raise up those who fall; and finally to beat down Satan under
our feet.” Amen.
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